Pubblicazioni Scientifiche e Poster


Comparative analysis of PFASs concentrations in fur, muscle, and liver of wild roe deer as biomonitoring matrices.
Susanna Draghi, Giulio Curone, Roberta Risoluti, Stefano Materazzi, Giuseppina Gullifa, Angela Amoresano, Michele Spinelli, Carolina Fontanarosa, Radmila Pavlovic, Alberto Pellegrini, Marco Fidani, Petra Cagnardi, Federica Di Cesare* and Francesco Arioli.
Frontiers in Veterinary Science. 11:1500651. doi: 10.3389/fvets.2024.1500651

Influence of Area, Age and Sex on Per- and Polyfluorinated Alkyl Substances Detected in Roe Deer Muscle and Liver from Selected Areas of Northern Italy.
Susanna Draghi, Giulio Curone, Radmila Pavlovic, Federica Di Cesare, Petra Cagnardi, Claudia Fornesi Silva, Alberto Pellegrini, Federica Riva, Francesco Arioli, and Marco Fidani.
Animals 2024, 14, 529.

High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry Non-Targeted Detection of Per-and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in Roe Deer (Capreolus capreolus).
Radmila Pavlovic, Susanna Draghi , Alberto Pellegrini, Claudia Fornesi Silva , Federica Di Cesare, Giulio Curone, Francesco Arioli, and Marco Fidani.
Molecules 2024, 29, 617.

First Investigation of the Physiological Distribution of Legacy and Emerging Perfluoroalkyl Substances in Raw Bovine Milk According to the Component Fraction
Susanna Draghi, Radmila Pavlovic, Alberto Pellegrini, Marco Fidani, Federica Riva, Gabriele Brecchia, Stella Agradi, Francesco Arioli, Daniele Vigo, Federica Di Cesare, * and Giulio Curone Foods 2013, 12(13), 2449;

Quantification of cortisol and its metabolites in human urine by LC-MSn: applications in clinical diagnosis and anti-doping control.
Francesco Arioli, Maria Cristina Gamberini, Radmila Pavlovic, Federica Di Cesare, Susanna Draghi, Giulia Bussei, Francesca Mungiguerra, Alessio Casati, Marco Fidani. . Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (2022).

Detection and quantification of tiotropium in horse plasma and urine.
Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference of Racing Analyst and Veterinarians (ICRAV), Dubai 2018.
M. Fidani*, F. Baia, V. Chiofalo, S. Ragazzoni, M.L Fracchiolla, S. Masperi

Determination quali-quantitative od feed contaminants in feedingstuffs for horses.
M. Fidani, A. Pellegrini, V. Chiofalo, A. Agazzi, V. Dell’ Orto.
The 68th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science (EAAP). August 2017. Tallin. Estonia.

Determination of theobromine and caffeine in complementary feedingstuffs for horses.
A. Pellegrini, M. Fidani, V. Chiofalo, A. Agazzi, V. Dell’ Orto.
Congresso nazionale dell’associazione di scienze e produzioni animali (ASPA), 13-16 June 2017, Perugia (I).

Prednisolone in horse urine: a proposal for a threshold value.
M. Fidani, F. Baia, V. Chiofalo, S. Ragazzoni, M. Fracchiolla, S. Masperi,
Proceedings of the 21th International Conference of Racing Analyst and Veterinarians (ICRAV), 2016, Montevideo (Uruguay).

Population study of free prednisolone in horse urine.
M. Fidani, F. Baia, S, Ragazzoni, M. Fracchiolla, S. Masperi, F.Mungiguerra.
Proceedings of the 20th International Conference of Racing Analyst and Veterinarians (ICRAV),2014, Mauritius.

The presence of prednisolone in complementary feedstuffs for bovine husbandry.
Luca Chiesa, Radmila Pavlovic, Marco Fidani, Sara Panseri, Elisa Pasquale, Alessio Casati and Francesco Arioli.
J. Sci. Food Agric. (2014).

Presence of endogenous prednisolone in human urine.
Marco Fidani, Maria C. Gamberini, Giuseppe Pompa, Francesca Mungiguerra, Alessio Casati, Francesco Arioli.
Steroids 78 (2013) 121-126.

Endocrin evaluation after an intra-articular therapeutic dosage of dexamethasone in horses.
F. Capolongo, G. Gallina, M. Fidani, F. Baia, C. Montesissa.
J. Vet. Pharmacol. Ther. doi: 10.1111/jvp.12046. 2013

Qualitative screening in doping control by MALDI-TOF/TOF mass spectrometry: A proof of evidence.
E. Galano, M. Fidani, F. Baia, L. Palomba, G. Marino, A. Amoresano.
Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 2012, 71, 193-197

Investigation of the presence of endogenous prednisolone in equine urine by high-performance liquid chromatography mass spectrometry an dhigh-resolution mass spectrometry
M. Fidani, G. Pompa, F. Mungiguerra, A. Casati, M.L. Fracchiolla and F. Arioli.
Rapid Commun. in Mass Spectrometry, 2012, 26, 879-886.

Prednisolone and prednisone neo formation in bovine urine after sampling
F. Arioli, A. Casati, M. Fidani, M. Silvestri and G. Pompa.
Animal. The Animal consortium 2011.

Investigation of the origin of prednisolone in cow urine
G. Pompa, F. Arioli , A. Casati, M. Fidani, L. Bertocchi, G. Dusi
Steroids 76 (2011) 104–110.

Investigations on possible transformations of cortisol, cortisone, and cortisol glucuronide in bovine faecal matter using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry
Francesco Arioli, Marco Fidani, Alessio Casati, Maria L. Fracchiolla, Giuseppe Pompa.
Steroids 75 (2010) 350–354.

Prednisolone in the horse.
EHSLC Analyst’s Working Party. Killarney. IRELAND, July 2010. M. Fidani.

The utility of LC_MS in Racinghorse Analysis.
M. Fidani, F. Baia, P. De Iuliis.

Urinary cortisol levels after intra-articular desamethasonetreatment in the horse.
Gallina, M.Fidani, Baia, Montesissa, Capolongo.
University of Ghent. Belgium. July 2010.

L’ aiuto della spettrometria di massa nelle problematiche cliniche e tossicologiche.
25/6/2009. Workshop THERMO. UNIRELAB. Via Gramsci 70, 20019, Settimo Milanese (MI). M.Fidani.

Evaluation of equine urine reactivity towards 17-hydroxy steroids II phase metabolItes by LC-MS/MS.
M. Fidani, M.C. Gamberini, E. Pasello, F. Arioli, F. Palazzoni, P. De Iullis, M. Montana.
Rapid Commun. in Mass Spectrometry, 2009, 23, 65-76.

Development of a liquid chromatography – tandem mass spectrometry method for an euthanasic veterinarian drug : Tanax.
M. Fidani, M.C. Gamberini, E. Pasello, F. Palazzoni, T. Dimasi, M. Montana.
Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 2008, 48, 902-908.

Evaluation of boldenone and related steroids transformations in veal faeces by liquid chromatography / tandem mass spectrometry.
F. Arioli, M.P Gavinelli, M.L Fracchiolla, M. Fidani, E. Ferrer, G. Pompa
Rapid Commun. in Mass Spectrometry, 2008, 22, 217.

Transformations of 17 ß-OH steroids and conjugates in equine urine.
M. Fidani.
Liquid Ions in Lucca. Lucca 2-5/09/2007.

Rapid Test by LC/MS/MS to evaluate equine urine reactivity toward 17 ß-OH steroids.
M. Fidani, E. Casagni, M. Montana, E. Pasello, V. Gambaro.
Rapid Commun. in Mass Spectrometry, 2006, 20, 2441.

Detection of alpha-2 agonists in equine urine by LC/MS.
M. Fidani, M. Montana, E. Pasello, P. De Iuliis.
16th International Conference of Racing Analysts and Veterinarians.
Tokyo, Japan. October 22-27/2006.

In vitro transformations of anabolic steroids in veal faeces: preliminary results.
F. Arioli, M.L. Fracchiolla, M.P. Gavinelli, M. Fidani and G. Pompa.
10th International Congress. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Grugliasco (Torino) Italy. Torino September, 17-22/2006.

LC-MS Principi e Applicazioni in ambito Tossicologico Forense.
Gruppo Italiano Tossicologi Forensi.
12/05/06. Università degli Studi di Pavia. M. Fidani.

In vitro transformations of anabolic steroids in veal faeces: preliminary results.
F. Arioli, M.L. Fracchiolla, M.P. Gavinelli, M. Fidani and G. Pompa.
10th International Congress. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Grugliasco (Torino) Italy.
Torino September, 17-22/2006.

Controlling Therapeutic Substances – A European Harmonised Approach: Determination of the Detection Time for eltenac following IV Administration to Horses.
Montana M., Baia F., Bartolino L., Carli S., De Iuliis P., Ricci L., Pasello E.
The 16 th International Conference of Racing Analysts and Veterinarians. Tokyo , Japan . October 22-27/2006.

Rilievo nei capelli del paracetamolo. Valutazione tra due casi di overdose da eroina tagliata e un caso di assunzione terapeutica protratta.
V. Gambaro, L. Dell’Acqua, F. Farè, M. Fidani, M. Pellegrinelli, V. Cuman, E. Saligari.
34° Congresso Nazionale SIMLA . Sorrento 9-12/06/04.

Blood concentration of metformin in a case of a fatal intoxication.
V. Gambaro, L. Dell’Acqua, F. Farè, R. Froldi, M Fidani, E. Saligari.
15th International Symposium on Recent Developments in Pharmaceutical Analysis. Firenze. May 2-6/2004.

A case of Fatal Intoxication from Metformin.
V. Gambaro, L. Dell’Acqua, F. Farè, R. Froldi, M. Fidani, E. Saligari.
J Forensic Sci 2007, May 25.



Genetic diversity of the Italian thoroughbred horse population
Mario Cosenza, Valentina La Rosa, Raffaella Rosati &Vincenzo Chiofalo,
Italian Journal of Animal Science (2019) Pages 538-545. Jan 2019.

Simone Ceccobelli, Hovirag Lancioni, Anthony Gruppetta, Mario Cosenza, Vincenzo Chiofalo, George Attard, Luigi Liotta, Emiliano Lasagna,
Variabilità genetica e filogenesi delle razze canine Kelb Tal Fenek e Cirneco dell’Etna
Genetic variability and phylogenesis in Kelb Tal Fenek and Cirneco dell’Etna canine breeds
Conference: XII Convegno Nazionale sulla Biodiversità. Teramo – Italia (2018).

Grasso C., Bonuglia M., Dobosz M., Chiofalo V. Hematopoietic chimerism in Italian horses.
Poster Presentation P4028: 35th International Conference on Animal Genetics. Salt Lake City, Utah (USA) 2016.

Santagostino M., Khoriauli L., Gamba r., Bonuglia M., Klipstein O., Piras F.M., Vella F., Russo A., Badiale C., Mazzagatti A., Raimondi E., Nergadze S.G., Giulotto E. Genome-wide evolutionary and functional analysis of the Equine Repetitive Element 1: an insertion in the myostatin promoter affects gene expression. BMC Genet. (2015) 16:126

Santagostino M., Khoriauli L., Gamba r., Klipstein O., Bonuglia M., Russo A., Vella F., Raimondi E., Nergadze S.G., Giulotto E. A transposon insertion in the horse myostatin gene promoter inhibits its expression and influences racing performance.Poster presentation at Società Italiana di Biofisica e Biologia Molecolare. Torino, Italy. 2014.

Grasso C., Dobosz M, Bocci C., Bonuglia M., Russo A., De Iuliis P. Equine microsatellite analysis of challenging samples.In “Horse: biology, domestication, and human interaction”. Chapter: 9, Publisher: Nova Science Publishers, Inc., Editors: James E. Leffhalm, pp.141-148. 2011.

Dobosz M, Bocci C, Bonuglia M, Grasso C, Russo A, De Iuliis P. Analysis of 16 microsatellites markers and parentage testing in Italian Standardbred horse. In “Horse: biology, domestication, and human interaction” 2011. Chapter: 8, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., Editors: James E. Leffhalm, pp.131-140.

DNA profiling of urine samples: The ultimate evidence of fraudulent racehorse substitutions.
Grasso C, Bocci C, Bonuglia M, Russo A and De Iuliis P.
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference of Racing Analysts and Veterinarians. Queenstown, New Zealand. 2010.

Dieci casi di mieloencefalopatia degenerativa equina in un allevamento di cavalli sella italiano
Liguori V., De Iuliis P., Vichi G.
Ippologia, Anno 21, n. 2, Giugno 2010
Bonuglia M., Grasso C., Bocci C., Russo A., De Iuliis P. Genetica forense veterinaria: cani killer. Genetica forense e diritto: prospettive scientifiche, tecnologiche e normative. Atti del XXIII Congresso Nazionale Genetisti Forensi Italiani. Assisi, Italy. 2010, pp. 121-123.

De Iuliis P., Bocci C., Bonuglia M., Grasso C., Ottoni C., Russo A. A comparative study of cELISA and real-time PCR Assays for detection of Babesia equi (Theileria) in Italian Horses. Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Animal Genetics, Poster P5067, Edinburgh, Scotland. 2010.

Dobosz M, Bocci C, Bonuglia M, Grasso C, Merigioli S, Russo A, De Iuliis P. Probabilistic Expert Systems for Forensic Inference from DNA Markers in Horses: Applications to Confirm Genealogies with Lack of Genetic Data. J Hered (2010) Mar-Apr; 101(2):240-5.

Bonuglia M., Bocci C., Grasso C., Russo A., De Iuliis P. Canine STRs analysis in a forensic casework. Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Animal Genetics, Poster P2033, Edinburgh, Scotland. 2010.

Analysis of 16 microsatellites markers and parentage testing in Italian Trotter horse.
Russo A. , Bocci C., Bonuglia M., Grasso C., Ottoni C., De Iuliis P. and Dobosz M.
Poster – XXXII Conference of the International Society for Animal Genetics (ISAG), Edinburgh, Scotland. 2010.

Grasso C., Bocci C., Bonuglia M., Russo A., De Iuliis P., Dobosz M. Equine microsatellite analysis of “challenging” samples.Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Animal Genetics, Poster P2030, Edinburgh, Scotland. 2010.

Dobosz M, Bocci C, Bonuglia M, Grasso C, Russo A, De Iuliis P. Utilizzo dei marcatori ipervariabili del DNA nella pratica forense veterinaria: identificazione di reperti biologici appartenenti alla specie canina.Veterinaria, Anno 23, n.6, Dicembre 2009.

Dobosz M., Lancia M., Coletti A., Grasso C., Panarese F. and De Iuliis P. Genetic typing of dogs’ traces in biological samples. Forensic Science International: Genetics Supplement Series, Volume 2, Issue 1, Pages 283-285. 2009.

Probabilistic Expert Systems for Forensic Inference from DNA Markers in Horses:
Applications to Confirm Genealogies with Lack of Genetic Data.
Dobosz M, Bocci C, Bonuglia M, Grasso C, Merigioli S, Russo A, De Iuliis P.
Journal of Heredity 2009 Nov 25.

Genetic typing of dogs’ traces in biological samples.
Dobosz M., Lancia M., Coletti A., Grasso C., Panarese F. and De Iuliis P.
Forensic Science International: Genetics Supplement Series, Volume 2, Issue 1, Pages 283-285, December 2009. Progress in Forensic Genetics 13: Proceedings of the 23rd International ISFG Congress.

De Iuliis P., Bonuglia M., Bocci C., Grasso C., Russo A., Dobosz M. Forensic evaluation of DNA typing in equine urine samples submitted to prohibited substances control: applications in controversial confirmation analysis cases. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference of Racing Analysts and Veterinarians. Antalya, Turkey. 2008.

Genetic diversity of the mtDNA in five Italian horse populations.
Bocci C., Dobosz M., Martínez-Labarga C., Russo A. , Bonuglia M. , Grasso C. and De Iuliis P.
Poster – XXXI Conference of the International Society for Animal Genetics (ISAG), Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 2008.

Journal of Equine Veterinary Science Volume 28, Issue 8 – pp. 476-478 (August 2008).
Case Study: A Case of Wound Botulism in a Foal Affected by Gastric Ulcers in Italy. Liguori V., De Iuliis P., Fenicia L., Anniballi F. and Aureli P. UNIRELAB, via Campobello N° 7/C, Pomezia (Roma), Italy ** National Centre for Food Quality and Risk Assessment, National Institute of Health viale Regina Elena 299, Rome, Italy.

De Iuliis P., Bonuglia M., Bocci C., Grasso C., Dobosz M. Probabilistic Expert Systems (PES) as a tool for parentage testing in horses with lack of genetic data. Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Animal Genetics, In Category 5000: Bio-informatics, Statistical Genetics, Miscellaneous. Poster P5031. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 2008.

Bocci C., Dobosz M., Martínez-Labarga C., Russo A., Bonuglia M., Grasso C., De Iuliis P. Genetic diversity of the mtDNA in five Italian horse populations. Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Animal Genetics. In Category 5000: Bio-informatics, Statistical Genetics, Miscellaneous. Poster P5032. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 2008.

Budowle B., Garofano P., Hellman A., et al. Recommendations for animal DNA forensic and identity testing. Int J Legal Med (2005) 119: 295.

Garofano P., Veneroni R., Molinari S., Bonuglia M., De Iuliis P., Montana M. High throughput DNA isolation and STR analysis for animal identification: forensic casework and DNA database applications in animal genetics. Oral Presentations.15th International Symposium on Human Identification. Scottsdale, Arizona. 2004.

Radio frequency identification in horses: an indipendent analysis
De Iuliis*, P.; Selva, L. *; Montana *, M; Garofano, P. * Presentato al congresso della World Equine Veterinary Association (Buenos Aires 2003). UNIRELAB, via Campobello N° 7/C, Pomezia (Roma), Italy ** Università di Siena, Dipartimento di Fisica, Sezione di Fisica Medica, Siena, Italy *** UNIRE, Via Cristoforo Colombo N° 283/A – 00147 – Roma, Italy